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International and Bilateral Issues

Written By tiwUPSC on Sunday, January 15, 2012
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India, China to hold border talks on Monday

  • Special Representatives from India and China will meet in New Delhi on Monday for the fifteenth round of talks on the border dispute
  • Besides the boundary negotiations, both countries will hold discussions “on a wide range of bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual interest

Tunisia marks one year of freedom

  • Tunisia is marking the one-year anniversary of the revolution that ended the dictatorship of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and sparked uprisings around the Arab world with prudent optimism.
  • But worries over continued high unemployment cast a shadow over Tunisians' pride at transforming their country.
    • Unemployment has risen to almost 20 per cent today from 13 per cent a year ago, and economic growth has stagnated as investment dries up and tourism, once a pillar of Tunisia's economy, evaporates.
  • The revolution started when 26-year-old fruit-seller Mohammed Bouazizi set himself on fire in front of a town hall after he was publicly slapped and humiliated by a policewoman reprimanding him for selling his vegetables without a license. He suffered full-body burns, and died soon afterward.
  • At first it was just local unrest, until clandestinely shot videos started popping up on Facebook and other social networking sites, inspiring youths across the country.
  • An estimated 265 Tunisians died in that month of protests that slowly drew the world's attention.
    • And then on January 14 it was over. 
    • After Ben Ali's Army refused to shoot protesters and his security forces wavered, he fled to Saudi Arabia with his family.

Taiwan President re-elected

  • Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou was on Saturday re-elected for a second term after a closely fought electoral contest.
  • Under Mr. Ma's presidency, cross-strait relations improved markedly, with the introduction of direct flights and the signing of a landmark Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA).
  • Taiwan has been self-administered since 1949, when Chiang Kai-shek's KMT fled to the island after losing the civil war to the Communists. 
    • Since then, relations have been strained.
    • While Beijing says it wants to bring the island back under its fold through peaceful means, it has also threatened the use of force if Taiwan declares independence.

Wen Jiabao makes brief Nepal visit, offers aid

  • Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao made a surprise half-day stopover in Nepal on Saturday, in a visit aimed at boosting economic cooperation and taking place a month after an unexpected postponement amid security concerns.
    • This is the first high-level visit from Beijing since that of former Premier Zhu Rongji's in 2001
    • China would provide $135 million in aid to bolster Nepal's infrastructure and security
    • China also agreed to provide both economic and technical support to strengthen Nepal's police forces.
  • The Nepali government assured Mr. Wen that it “does not allow any forces to use Nepalese territory for any anti-China or separatist activities
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