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SciTech Medical and Envirnoment

Written By tiwUPSC on Monday, January 23, 2012
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SAGE opposes GM crops

  • The Southern Action on Genetic Engineering (SAGE) has reiterated its resolve to oppose the GM
    crops as they are not based on sound scientific principles and are tampering with the natural process of organic evolution.
    • A resolution to this effect was passed at the two-day Afro Asian conclave under the theme ‘Bt Cotton and Beyond, status and implications of GE crops and post GE technologies for small farmers in Africa and Asia'
  • A joint declaration by the participants said bio-diverse, organic agriculture was the best way to feed the world. GE crops are not a solution to either the climate change or achieving food security for growing world population.
  • GE crops require large chemical inputs and take the control of seeds out of hands of farmers, thus debunking the biotech industry's claims that GE in agriculture was necessary for feeding the world
  • The participants wanted that the government work on precautionary measures to hold corporates responsible for their acts based on the “polluter pays” principle.

Safeguard passwords from phishing by new applications

  • Statistics says India is among the top three countries targeted for phishing attacks.
    • India is one of the countries where the growth of identity fraud is said to be the fastest (at more than 100 per cent).
    • Recently, the government said in a note that 386 phishing incidents were reported to the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) between January and October in 2011.
  • Has anyone you know ever lost control of a net banking or email or social network account and inadvertently sent spam or worse? Your bank account, money, your photos, your private documents as a whole your identity — if you reuse the same password on multiple sites and one of those sites gets hacked, or your password is conned out of you directly through a phishing scam, it can be used to access some of your most closely held information.
  • Phishing is among the more popular security attacks on banks and personal information, the others being screen logger, key logger, dictionary attack, brute force attack, shoulder surfing and guessing.
  • Indigenous consultant, ArrayShield Technologies, has come out with a solution called ArrayShield card, an authentication process to be used for providing access to all applications which has critical data and information.
    • The user will be provided with a physical card of credit card size, on which he has to register his pattern with the authentication system. This is used to generate a one-time password valid only for one transaction.
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