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SCIENCENVIRO (Opinion): Demand Side Management of Power

Written By tiwUPSC on Monday, February 27, 2012
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  • A unit of energy saved is greater than the energy produced as it saves not only on energy production but also on transmission and distribution losses. In other words, a “Negawatt” (a negative Megawatt) produced by reducing energy needs, saves more than a Megawatt generated. This is the idea behind the Demand Side Management (DSM) or the management of rapidly growing demand of electricity at the end user side.
  • During April-November, 2011 there was a peak shortage of 13,491 MW and energy shortage of 44,788 MU.
  • To combat the energy shortage two methods can be used. 
    1. First, to increase the production i.e. the supply side management and 
    2. Secondly, to conserve the energy i.e. the demand side management.
  • Supply side management involves generation capacity augmentation, establishing new power plants and strengthening of transmission and distribution system.
  • Demand side Management can be termed as a process to match demand with the availability of supply. It involves demand reduction, filling valleys and cutting peaks. Peak reduction is possible by using energy efficient equipments, using non-essential loads during off peak hours and implementing Time of Use (ToU) pricing. Creating awareness about energy conservation is the key to success of Demand Side Management.
  • Energy Efficiency Programmes which involve using advanced equipment for end use services like lighting, cooling, heating, etc. These devices are energy efficient and consume less electricity.
  • Peak Load Reduction Programmes which involve reduction of load on utility systems or in selected areas of the transmission and distribution grid. It includes interruptible load tariffs, time-of-use rates, direct load control and other load management programmes.
  • The Ministry of Power is the nodal agency for energy conservation with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) coordinating initiatives and activities on energy conservation.
  • Electricity Act of 2003 lays significant emphasis on energy conservation and environmental protection.
  • The DSM programmes can be in the field of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL), timer control in air conditioners, energy audit programmes for large customers, street lighting, etc.
  • The emphasis is also on Decentralized Distributed Generation, under which conventional as well as renewable energy sources such as Biomass, Biofuels, Biogas, Mini Hydro , Solar , etc are used to produce energy.
  • In order to promote energy savings, the concept of green buildings needs to be encouraged.
    • They use traditional and renewable sources of energy, consume less energy and conserve natural resources.
  • Demand Side Management of Power will be given thrust during the 12th Five Year Plan. The load management programmes likely to get boost are:  Dynamic/Real Time Pricing based on real time system of supply and demand, Time of Use Rates where customers are offered different rates for electricity usage at different times of the day and Automated/Smart Metering for implementing dynamic/real time pricing or time of use rate structure and billing accordingly.
  • There is a deficit of about 14,000 MW electricity demand in peak time and 8% deficit in energy.
    Demand side Management & Supply side management

    Compact Fluorescent Lamps
    Decentralized Distributed Generation
    Green Buildings    
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