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Daily News Notes: 29th & 30th April, 2012

Written By tiwUPSC on Monday, April 30, 2012
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  • ·         All cell-phones would soon be carrying radiation tags. All the indigenous manufacturers have been instructed to display Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value on the mobile handsets on or before 1st September 2012. Department of Telecommunications has adopted SAR level for mobile handsets as 1.6 Watt/Kg, averaged over a mass of 1 gram of human tissue. Thus, all the indigenous manufacturers have been instructed to make necessary changes in the design, software and packaging in compliance with these instructions by 01.09.2012.
  • ·         India’s indigenously built Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT-1), launched on April 26, 2012 has been placed in its final Polar Sun-synchronous Orbit (600–800 km in altitude). In the coming days, various elements of the C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) will be tested and calibrated as a prelude to payload operations. In compared to the optical remote sensing satellites that depend upon sunlight, the Synthetic Aperture Radar of RISAT-1 transmits its own radar pulses to study the objects on Earth. This facilitates cloud penetration and imaging even without sunlight. Also,  Images sent by the 1,858 kg RISAT-1 will facilitate agriculture and disaster management.
  • ·         Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI) today launched a facility to monitor complaints from telecom consumers. Called Telecom Consumers Complaint Monitoring System (TCCMS) portal www.tccms.gov.in  , it would facilitate the telecom consumers  in locating the “Consumer Care Number”, “General Information Number” and contact details of the complaint centre and Appellate Authority of their service provider. This portal will also help TRAI in monitoring the status of redressal of complaints lodged by the consumers with the service providers.  It is felt that this portal will help enhance the effectiveness of the grievance redressal mechanism.
  • ·         Minister of Defence has informed that the number of casualties in Siachen in the last one year is 26. Further he informed that Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (PINAKA) weapon system developed by DRDO has already been inducted into Service. Two PINAKA Regiments have been raised. He told that the Pinaka weapon system is an all weather, indirect fire, free flight Artillery rocket capable of engaging enemy up to a range 38 km. It can neutralize an area of 1000x800m in a short period of time with salvo firing. The weapon system has short reaction time to call for fire and also has excellent shoot & scoot capability. The Pinaka weapon system can be used as an effective area weapon.
  • ·         The Union Minister of Shipping has informed that India has a long coastline of about 7517 Km spread on the western and eastern shelves of the mainland and also along the islands. The coast is being used for international trade though 12 major ports and about 51 non-major ports. The Minister further stated that the Government is encouraging coastal shipping between the different ports on the coast by giving 40% concession on the vessel related charges and cargo related charges. Government has also identified 6 ports for developing passenger terminal for cruise shipping. He also said that the Government has requested all Coastal States in the Country to explore the possibility to set up a new Major Port or a new Ship Building Yard or a composite Port-cum-Shipbuilding yard in their States and submit a comprehensive proposal to the Ministry of Shipping.
  • ·         While no specific studies to assess the performance and overall impact of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) on rural and agro industries across the country have been carried out, studies commissioned by the Department of Commerce on the socio-economic impact of SEZs have shown that SEZs have created a significant local area impact in terms of direct as well as indirect employment, emergence of new activities, changes in consumption pattern and social life, human development facilities such as education, healthcare etc.  In a short span of about six years since SEZ Act and Rules were notified in February, 2006, formal approvals have been granted for setting up of 589 SEZs out of which 389 have been notified and 153 are already exporting. Physical exports from the SEZs in 2011-12 have registered a growth of 15.39% to Rs. 3 3,64,477crore. There has been an overall growth of export of 2531% over past nine years (2003-04 to 2011-12). The main objectives of the SEZ Act were: [1.] generation of additional economic activit; [2.] promotion of exports of goods and services; [3.] promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources; [4.] creation of employment opportunities; [5.] development of infrastructure facilities. As the above figures would indicate the SEZs have by and large been able to attain the objectives for which these were set up.  However, on-going review and reform, as necessary, of Government policy and procedure is inherent to Public Policy.
  • ·         Environment Minister has informed that the water quality monitoring undertaken by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) indicates that the water quality in the stretch of the river Yamuna from Tajewala to Palla in Haryana is within the prescribed limits. However, the stretch of the river in the vicinity of Delhi (downstream of Wazirabad barrage to upstream of Okhla barrage) and in parts of Uttar Pradesh does not meet the standards in terms of Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand due to reasons such as the discharge of untreated sewage in to the river, gap between the demand and availability of sewage treatment capacity and the lack of fresh water in the river for dilution. The Minister said that to supplement the efforts of the State Governments in addressing the problem of pollution of river Yamuna the Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) is implemented since 1993 with assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency in a phased manner. Further, the Minister informed that the Government has approved YAP- Phase - III which involves, rehabilitation of the damaged trunk sewers, modernization of the STPs including construction of new ones in the identified areas of Delhi and to equip them with tertiary level treatment facilities to improve the water quality of river Yamuna.
  • ·         Law Minister has informed that till now 62 tribunals have been established in the country , including 2 in the Ministry of Law and Justice. Further he said, following the Supreme Court judgement in 1997, inter-ministerial consultations have been held on the subject of bringing all the tribunals under one Ministry i.e., Ministry of Law and Justice, but the consensus to bring all the tribunals under one Ministry has remained elusive.
  • ·         Based on the data of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) published by Central Statistics Office, the estimated contribution of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) to GDP during 2008-09 (latest available which was published in 2011) is 8.72 percent. The annual average growth rate of the registered enterprises and employment of the sector between period of Third Census (2001-02) and Fourth Census (2006-07) stands at 2.61% and 8.6% respectively.
  • ·         Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has informed that out of total ash produced in coal based power plants 54.53 was utilized during the year 2011-12. It also said that the quantity of water required for disposal of ash is 4-5 times the quantity of ash. This water is generally taken from used water from other station facilities like cooling tower blow down etc. As per existing guidelines of Ministry of Environment, decanted water from ash pond is re-circulated and utilized within the plant for various uses. Thus in this way, power plants tries to minimize that opportunity cost of the Envirnoment.
  • ·         Minister of New and Renewable Energy informed that the Government has initiated Research and Development work through various scientific organizations and institutions for development of technologies for production of biofuel from agricultural wastes and residues. The National Policy on Biofuels has been notified by the Government of India in December, 2009 for accelerated development and production of biofuels and for substituting for petrol and diesel for transport and other applications. However, the technology for production of biofuel from agricultural wastes is in developmental stage. Further he informed that the rice husk based biomass gasifiers are being installed to meet the unmet demand of electricity in villages. He explained that stand-alone solar photovoltaic power plants of upto 100 kWp unit capacity and mini-grid solar photovoltaic power plants of up to 250 kWp unit capacity with battery bank can meet the electricity requirements of villages in the country. Also, grid-interactive power generation capacity of 7111.66 MW from wind power and 940.09 MW from solar power has been added in the country during the last 3 years. However, no capacity addition has taken place from Geothermal energy which is presently at research and development stage.
  • ·         Minister of State for Water Resources & Minority said that “Water being a State subject, State Governments plan the utilization and allocation of water as per availability and demand and levy charges on different uses as per regulatory and development needs of the respective States. But, the Thirteenth Finance Commission has, inter-alia, recommended setting up of a Water Regulatory Authority in each State to fix and regulate the water tariff system and charges for surface and sub-surface water used for domestic, agriculture, industrial and other purposes.” He also informed that the Draft National Water Policy (2012) recommends that in urban and industrial areas, de-salinization, wherever techno-economically feasible, should be encouraged to increase availability of utilizable water. Monsoon rains in India irrigate about 60% of farms in the world's 2nd-biggest producer of rice, wheat, sugar and cotton. Also, the farm sector accounts for nearly 15% of India's nearly $2 trillion economy.
  • ·         Earth Sciences Minister held that India is probable to experience average monsoon rains this year, thus forecasting a third straight year without drought. The state-run India Meteorological Department (IMD) considers rains between 96-104% of a 50-year average of 89 cms in the entire 4-month season as normal. The last time there was a drought with rains below this range was 2009 and before that, in 2004. IMD held that the Monsoon is probable to have average rainfall in 2012 in spite of fears that the El Nino weather pattern may come forth in the second half of the season. In 2009, the El Nino weather pattern turned monsoon rains patchy, leading to the most terrible drought in almost 4 decades. Rains were within long-term averages in following years, assisted by La Nina. El Nino, an abnormal warming of waters in the equatorial tropical Pacific, is linked with poor rains or a drought-like situation in Southeast Asia and Australia. The La Nina weather pattern, which is linked with heavy rains in south Asia and flooding in the Asia-Pacific region and South America, and drought in Africa, finished in March.
  • ·         On the issue of Indo-China Trade Deficit, Commerce Minister said that the Chinese export to India relies strongly on manufactured items meeting the demand of fast expanding sectors like telecom and power in India (with competitive prices) while India’s exports are characterized by primary products, raw material and intermediate products. Further there are non-tariff barriers on imports of agricultural products in China as well as limited market access of Indian products. He said that the Government of India has been addressing the issue of growing trade deficit at the highest level. As an outcome of 8th Session of India-China JEG (held on 19th January, 2010 in Beijing) a Memorandum of Understanding on extension of Trade and Economic Cooperation was signed which recognised that a balanced trade is conducive to long term, sustainable and harmonious development of economic cooperation between the two countries. With a view to reducing trade deficit, efforts are also being made to diversify the trade basket with emphasis on manufactured goods on Indian side.
  • ·         The government today said, the tide gauge records for the Indian coastline regions gives an average sea level rise of 1.29 Millimeters per year for the last four decades. Survey of India has established four tide gauges for continuous measurements of sea level along the Gujarat coast.
  • ·         Mayawati today expressed grave concern over the recent Supreme Court judgement relating to the seniority and promotional avenues of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. She urged the Centre to bring an amendment to the Constitution to protect the interests of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in view of the apex court verdict. She also pleaded with the UPA government to include the amended law in the 9th Schedule of the Constitution.
  • ·         In Uttarakhand, the agitation have begin in the hill areas in support of re-start of construction of Hydro power projects that presently stand suspended by the Centre under pressure from saints and environmentalists. The three suspended hydro power projects on upper stretch of Bhagirathi river includes Loharinagala, Bhaironghati and Pala Maneri projects in Uttarkashi district. These projects had a target of generating a total of 1461 MW of power after their completion.
  • ·         In Goa, the Centre's project of providing biometrics identity cards to fishermen as part of stepping up surveillance in coastal areas is almost complete. Around ten thousand fishermen living along the Goa shoreline, will be distributed these cards within a fortnight. The card contains all relevant information about them in a coded format.
  • ·         In Madhya Pradesh, six people including five Probationary Officers of State Bank of India, were drowned when a boat ferrying them, capsized in Narmada river at Maheshwar. Fifty seven persons, most of them Probationary Officers from SBI's Regional Training Centre at Indore, had gone for a picnic yesterday. The boat reportedly lost its balance as the probationers moved to one side. Seven people were rescued by the local people. Bodies of all the deceased were fished out this morning.
  • ·         The Defence Ministry has debarred two Indian and four foreign firms for ten years from all business dealings due to their involvement in irregularities in the recent past. The debarred foreign companies are from Singapore, Israel, Switzerland and Russia.
  • ·         India and the Seychelles have signed two agreements in the field of security cooperation and enhancing youth interaction between the two countries as being Maritime neighbors. Both the countries are committed to the Indian ocean and are members of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation. India has also extended 50 million dollar line of credit and other grant of 25 million dollar for the development of the country. Seychelles cooperation in securing Indian ocean region from pirates, is vital for India's economic growth as major bulk of Indian imports and exports pass through Indian ocean region.
  • ·         India and Japan have decided to intensify cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation sector as well as environmental issues. The two sides also decided  to closely cooperate in the development of infrastructure in the sector of electricity and energy such as deployment of highly efficient coal-fired power generation, pumped-storage power generation and power transmission systems, in order to cope with a rapid increase of electricity demand in India and promote sustainable economic growth. Both the sides will discuss the possibility of contribution by Japan’s technologies and products.
  • ·         China has offered $8 billion in loan to South Sudan to fund a broad range of infrastructure projects over the next 2 years. The funds would be used to build roads, bridges and telecom network. China wants to maintain good relations both with Sudan, its established friend and with the South Sudan which became independent in 2011.
  • ·         China have successfully launched two more satellites for its proposed BeiDou Global Navigation and Positioning Network being built to counter the US Global Position System (GPS). With the two, China has so far launched 13 satellites. It is the first time that China has launched two navigation satellites with one rocket, and the two satellites will help to improve the accuracy of the Beidou, or Compass system. Unlike the American GPS, Russian GLONASS, and European Galileo systems, which use medium Earth orbit satellites, BeiDou-1 uses satellites in geostationary orbit. This means that the system does not require a large constellation of satellites, but it also limits the coverage to areas on Earth where the satellites are visible. 
  • ·         The UK economy has returned to recession, after shrinking by 0.2% in the first 3 months of 2012. A Recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of contraction. Thus, in economics, a recession is a business cycle contraction, a general slowdown in economic activity. Further, a double-dip recession refers to a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession. The causes for a double-dip recession vary but often include a slowdown in the demand for goods and services because of layoffs and spending cutbacks from the previous downturn. A double-dip (or even triple-dip) is a worst-case scenario. Fear that the economy will move back into a deeper and longer recession makes recovery even more difficult.
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