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Daily News Notes: 10th to 13th September, 2012

Written By tiwUPSC on Thursday, September 13, 2012
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  • ·         Shri Justice Altamas Kabir will be the new Chief Justice of India. He will assume the new charge on 29th of Sep, 2012. Justice Kabir was responsible for the computerization of the Calcutta High Court and the City Civil Court and other Courts in Kolkatta. He was appointed as Executive Chairman of National Legal Services Authority on January 14, 2010.
  • ·         The Supreme Court has refused to frame guidelines across the board for reporting sub-judice matters. A five-judge bench headed by Chief Justice S H Kapadia said that the freedom of speech and expression is not an absolute right under the constitution and journalists should know the Lakshman Rekha so that they do not cross the limit of contempt. The court said that it was laying down the constitutional principle which will allow the aggrieved parties to seek from appropriate court the postponement of the publication of court hearings. The bench said the concerned court will decide the question of postponement of reporting court proceedings on case-by-case basis. While propounding the doctrine of postponement of publication of court proceedings, the bench said it is a preventive measure and not a prohibitive and punitive measure.
  • ·         325 most dangerous Black Spots have been identified in 13 States with the help of State Police Departments. These spots account for about 90% road accidents for which several short term and long term remedial measures have been proposed for implementation, so as to reduce road accidents. Out of these 325 black spots, 233 black spots are on National Highways (NHs). An accident blackspot is a term used in road safety management to denote a place where road traffic accidents have historically been concentrated. It may have occurred for a variety of reasons, such as a sharp drop or corner in a straight road, so oncoming traffic is concealed, a hidden junction on a fast road, poor or concealed warning signs at a cross-roads. For some decades treatment of accident blackspots (e.g. by signage, speed restrictions, improving sightlines, straightening bends, or speed cameras) was a mainstay of road safety policy, but current thinking has it that the benefits of these interventions are often overstated. Effects such as regression to the mean, risk compensation and accident migration combine to reduce the overall benefit. In one notable experiment, a number of accident blackspots were "treated" with a null treatment - placement of a garden gnome, according to some reports. Accident rates at these points were found to have decreased significantly in the following period, a finding which is taken as clear evidence supporting the theory of regression to the mean.
  • ·         SX-40 is the new benchmark Indian equity index from the third nationwide equity exchange MCX-SX that will compete with Sensex of Bombay Stock Exchange and Nifty of National Stock Exchange to become the gauge of the Indian stocks on a daily basis. MCX-SX said its benchmark index will be based on free-float market capitalisation methodology comprising 40 stocks. The market capitalisation of the index would roughly cover 90-92 per cent of Nifty’s market capitalisation. The exchange is likely to begin trading around Diwali. At present, NSE has over 1,400 members while BSE has a total of 1,082 members. [Click Here for Graphics]
  • ·         The burden of subsidies on fuel, fertilizer and food have significantly increased on government on account of rise in international prices and increase in Minimum Support Price. According to medium-term expenditure projections, in revised estimation of 2011-12, there was a provision of 2,08,503 crore rupees for major subsidies, which represents a growth of 26.7 per cent over 1,64,516 crores rupees in 2010-11. It is projected that with suitable policy interventions the subsidy expenditure will reduce from 1.9 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product, GDP in budget estimate 2012-13 to 1.6 per cent of GDP by 2014-15. This is critical for the successful fiscal consolidation. The fertiliser subsidy will reduced to 65,735 crore rupees in 2014-15. It was 67,199 crore rupees in 2011-12. However, the food subsidy will increase in 2014-15 to 95,000 crore rupees from 72,823 crores in 2011-12. The subsidy on petroleum will be stabilized at 43,580 crore rupees, which was 68,481 crores rupees in 2011-12.
  • ·         In Gujarat, a comprehensive ban on production and sale of gutaka has been effected. According to the Notification production and sale of gutaka will be prohibited, but one would be free to sell tobacco, beetle nut and lime separately. The ban has been imposed as per provisions of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. However, the prohibition would not be applicable in respect of 100 per cent export oriented units. The ban will also not be applicable to pan masala. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey of India 2009-10 revealed that 35 per cent adults use tobacco in some form or other, out of which 21 per cent were found to be consuming smokeless tobacco (like gutka). As per this survey, smokeless tobacco use is more prevalent in Gujarat with 18.4 per cent of the adult population addicted to it. The Madhya Pradesh government had recently imposed a ban on gutka and pan masala. Some other states like Maharashtra, Kerala, Rajasthan and Bihar had also followed suit.
  • ·         The over 60-year-old mining industry in Goa has been ordered to shut all operations until further orders. A notification suspending all operations was issued by the state government following the indictment of former CM Digambar Kamat by the Shah commission, which inquired the illegal mining in the state. The government though was cautious stating that those mines found to be carrying out mining with proper documents will be allowed to resume operations for rest of the mining season after scrutiny of documents. The halting of mining operations may not have any major impact immediately since most mines are not currently operating in view of the monsoon. The mining season in Goa commences around end of September. Goa which exported 42 million tones of iron ore to China, Japan, and a few European countries during 2011-12, employs over 1 lakh people in the mining sector. The state accounts for over 55% of iron ore exports from the country, said Goa Mineral Ore Exporters’ Association (GMOEA).
  • ·         In Madhya Pradesh, security forces (police) have taken out agitators men and women (involved in Jal Satyagrah in Harda district) from back water of the dam and admitted them at hospital for their treatment. People from different villages have been demanding lowering of water level of Indira Sagar dam by two meter from 262 to 260 meters as with this they will be able to save their agricultural land. They have accused that excess water of the dam has damaged their agriculture land and they are forced to face the crisis.  They have also demanded alternative land for their land acquired for the dam.
  • ·         Stepping up their protest against the atomic power plant in Kudankulam, anti-nuclear activists have stood in sea waters forming a human chain in the water as part of the protest called Jal Satyagarah, close to the shores in a new turn to their year-long protests. The agitators have put forward four demands - stoppage of the process of fuel loading in Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project, drop the plan to arrest anti-nuclear movement leaders, adequate compensation for those who suffered losses and release of those already taken into custody. Further, Mr. SS Bajaj, the chief of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) said that there was no fear of a tsunami affecting the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu. He called the safety features in the nuclear plant "advanced" and said that radioactivity from the reactors was much less than natural radioactivity in the area.
  • ·         After a false start three years ago, Delhi may finally be on the road to being free of plastic bags. The Delhi cabinet has approved imposition of a blanket ban on use, storage, sale and manufacture of plastic bags in the city. A notification on the ban will be issued soon and the government will have one year from that date to implement the ban completely. The ban has been extended to include all plastic bags, even those made of virgin or bio-degradable plastic of 40 microns or more thickness, which had previously been permitted. The only exception will be use of plastic carry bags under the Bio-Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules of 1998.
  • ·         Laying the foundation stone for the Kochi Metro Rail, the Prime Minister has said that the government has taken a decision to support preparation of Detailed Project Reports, DPRs for Metro Rail projects in 19 cities with population of more than 2 million. Metro projects are already under implementation across the country - Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Jaipur.  The government is also providing assistance for the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit System projects in 11 cities. Noting that 40 per cent of the country's population are expected to live in towns and cities by 2031, Dr Singh said the high speed of urbanization poses unprecedented managerial and policy challenges that need to be responded to. Also, the number of towns has increased from 5161 in 2001 to 7935 in 2011. Even at this relatively low level of urbanization (31%), India has the second largest urban population in the world. Further, the urban sector contributes around 60% of GDP which is likely to further increase to over 70% in the next decade. Over 70% of the new jobs are expected to be created in the cities. Thus, Rapid Transit System projects will helps us meet challenges like traffic congestion, air pollution and the high rates of accidents on roads. However, Metro rail is just one component of an efficient public transport system. Further he said that a major step taken to address the Urban Infrastructure deficit in the country was the launch of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) by the Government of India in the year 2005.
  • ·         In a major breakthrough, the J&K Police has arrested a top militant (Mehrajuddin alias Javed, a close associate of Dawood Ibrahim) who is suspected to have provided logistical support to the hijackers of the Indian aircraft to Kandahar from Nepal (IC-814) in 1999 and was operating for the last 25 years in the state. Besides being an important fundraiser, he was also allegedly involved in many terror activities, including 1996 Lajpat Nagar blasts in Delhi.
  • ·         Pakistan once again violated the ceasefire in the area bordering India by resorting to small arms firing (for abt 50 min) at Kanga forests and Dobot Nullah in Balakote sector in Poonch district. No causalities or damage has been reported on Indian side in Pakstan firing. However, Pakistan Army is trying to push infiltrators into this side under the cover of firing.
  • ·         While addressing the 30th ASEAN Energy Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) at Cambodia, Inidan Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister has emphasized on the close economic co-operation among the East Asian Countries as these together represent more than 50 percent of world’s energy consumption. He showcased the investment opportunities that exist in Indian petroleum sector under NELP, petrochemical complexes in Dahej and Mangalore, LNG import and regasification terminals at Kochi and Ennore; and mapping and development of shale gas reserves. He also offered to share India’s capabilities and experience in laying oil & gas pipelines and power transmission lines to ASEAN countries.
  • ·         A new survey, conducted by Pew Research Center on its Global Attitudes Project, shows Indians embracing free-market capitalism and a strong work ethic at the expense of socially and culturally conservative mores. About six-in-10 (61%) think most people are better off in a free-market economy, even though some are rich and some are poor. Most Indians want a small government, and want the freedom to get on with their lives without government interference. The survey says almost half (49%) have lustily thrown themselves into modernity, but an even greater number (52%) worry that they are losing their traditions and four in five persons (79%) want this culture to be preserved. Further, in the two decades since the liberalization, Indians are worrying about their economic future. Not that they fear for the fundamentals of the Indian economy, but blame their current ills on the failure of the current government. ‘National contentment’ in India is at its lowest. But personal contentment is high because Indians continue to show strong savings and investment rates (Interestingly, even among those that believe the national economy is not in great health, two-thirds say their personal finances are doing well, increasing their levels of personal contentment, higher than 14 of the 20 countries surveyed). Nevertheless, Indians’ optimism about the country’s economy over the next year has declined 15 points since 2011, the largest falloff among 17 nations with comparable data.” [Click Here for Graphics]
  • ·         India's external debt stood at $ 345 billion as on April 1, 2012 that increased by 13 per cent as compared with $ 305 billion a year ago, a government status report said adding this was within “manageable” limits. The long-term debt accounted for 77% of total external debt, reflected an increase of 11% over a year-ago period. Government (sovereign) external debt stood at $ 82 billion at end-March 2012 compared with $ 78 billion at end-March 2011. The report however said India’s external vulnerability indicators have witnessed some signs of stress in the recent period, reflecting the impact of a deepening eurozone sovereign debt crisis and global slowdown. Further, it said that Global Economic Risks could rise further with a weakening recovery, sluggish growth prospects and continuing high debt and gross financing needs in several advanced economies. Also, agravation of external sector risks is reflected in upward movement in India’s current account deficit, falling reserve cover for imports and external debt, depreciating rupee exchange rate, rising levels of external debt and the increasing share of short-term and commercial borrowing in total external debt. However, a cross country comparison also shows that India continues to be among the less vulnerable countries with its external debt indicators comparing well with other indebted countries. As per the report, the Global Development Finance, 2012 of the World Bank, which contains external debt numbers for 2010, shows that India's position was fifth, in terms of absolute debt stock amongst the top twenty developing debtor countries. In terms of ratio of external debt to Gross National Income, India's position however was the fifth lowest, it said. [Click Here for Graphics]
  • ·         India has extended development assistance of 10 million US dollars to Palestine and extended support to its bid for a full United Nations membership. Also, India has reiterated its firm support for the struggle of the Palestinian people to achieve a sovereign, independent, viable and United State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, living within secure and recognized borders, side by side and at peace with Israel.Both countries also signed three pacts to enhance bilateral cooperation. The MoUs have been signed to establish India-Palestine centre of Excellence in Information and communication technology, for providing vocational training and construction of two schools. The center will be a symbol of the enduring friendship between our two countries and their peoples.
  • ·         Welcoming the parliamentarians from 54 nations, the 58th Annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference was inaugurated by President Mahinda Rajapaksa in Colombo on 11th Sep, 2012.
  • ·         Eleven years after the September 11 attacks on New York and the Pentagon, health authorities in the US have said survivors will get free monitoring and treatment for around 50 types of cancer. The move covers emergency workers who responded to the attack and people who were nearby. Meanwhile, the US President Barrack Obama marked the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks by remembering the victims and honouring those who sacrificed their lives.
  • ·         A US envoy to Libya and 3 other Americans were killed when armed mob attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The incident took place as armed demonstrators stormed the consulate in protest of a film made in US which portrayed Islam and the Prophet in bad light. Thus, the US has dispatched two warships loaded with missiles and a Marine team to beef up security at its missions in Libya. The warships are equipped with Tomahawk missiles that could be used if the Obama Administration orders a strike against those responsible for the attack on its US mission.
  • ·         The World Suicide Prevention Day is being observed across the globe on 10th Sep, 2012 to promote worldwide commitment and action to prevent suicides. According to the World Health Organization, every year, almost one million people commit suicide; a global mortality rate of 16 per one lakh, or one death every 40 seconds.
  • ·         Andy Murray defeated Novak Djokovic in the US Open men’s singles to become first British man to clinch the championship after 76 years. Before this, Fred Perry was the British player to capture a grand slam in US Championship in 1936. Andy Murray is also the first British player, who bagged an Olympic Gold medal in 100 years. 2012 US Open (tennis) result: [1.]Men’s Singles: Andy Murray(UK) defeated Novak Djokivic(Serbia); [2.] Women’s Singles: Serena Williams(USA) defeated Victoria Azarenka(Belarus); [3.] Men’s Doubles: Bob Bryan(USA)/Mike Bryan(USA) defeated Leander Paes(India)/Radek Stepanek(Czech Republic); [4.] Women’s Doubles: Sara Errani(Italy)/Roberta Vince(Italy) defeated Anrea Hlavackova(Czech Republic)/Lucie Hradecka(Czech Republic)
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