- Write short note on the following in about 150 words each
- How natural selection acts on variation?
- Ways of acquiring a spouse in simpler societies
- Post-modernism in anthropology
- relative dating methods
- adaptive radiation in context of evolution
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- Discuss race Crossing in humans with suitable examples
- Distinguish between religion, magic and science
- discuss the role of ABO blood group system in resolving cases of disputed paternity.
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- compare and contrast the skull of Gorilla and man
- discussed the typology and distribution of upper palaeolithic cultures in India
- What are the legal and sublethal genes? Explain
- sub questions
- Describe the types of kinship groups formed on the basis of different principles 20 marks
- give a competitive account of the variations in haemoglobin levels and respiratory functions among the populations living under different environmental stresses – 30 marks
- commented briefly on the phylogenetic position of Australopithecines. - 10 marks
- Write short note on the following in about 150 words each
- is family a social institution?
- Application of anthropometry in designing
- band and tribal societies
- Genetic counselling
- Epidemiological anthropology
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- how does improved aerobic fitness increase exercise tolerance in warm humid climates? Give suitable examples in support of your answer.
- what are the tools of data collection? Discuss the advantages and limitations of participant – observations as a technique of data collection
- discuss the chromosomal aberrations and manifestations of Klinefelter and Turner Syndromes
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- explain any to biological theories of ageing based on purposeful events
- what are the basis of social stratification? Discuss with examples
- explain the concept of status and role in anthropology
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- briefly discuss the important causes for the variations in occurrence and intensity of parasitic disease among different populations
- what are the genetic effects of Consanguinity ? give examples
- briefly discuss the applications of the knowledge of human osteology in forensic investigations.
Anthropology PAPER - 2
- Write short note on the following in about 150 words each
- Sacred geography
- Youth Dormitory
- Narmada Man
- participatory rural appraisal
- Palaeolithic Art
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- traced the trajectory of encyclopaedic works on the tribes and casts of South India with special reference to Anathakrishna Iyer’s contribution
- discussed the concept of indigenous people as per the relevant UN Convention. Are the tribals of India indigenous people? Comment
- critically examine the relationship between tribal communities and the nation – State on the issues of governance
- Write short note on the following in about 300 words each
- Examine the relevance of tribal Panchsheel by Jawahar Lal Nehru in the light of emerging development practices.
- using the ethnographic examples, highlight the process of religious conversions in tribal India.
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- compare the contributions of S C Roy and Verrier Elwin to the tribal ethnographies in India
- using ethnographic examples, went out of how gender relationship changed over time among central Indian tribes.
- how has globalisation infected agrarian relations in the last two decades?
- Write short note on the following in about 150 words each
- colonial ethnograpcommodification of tribal art
- Soan cultur
- ethnic issues in genetic research
- indigenous knowledge
- Write short note on the following in about 300 words each
- critically examine the prevalence of caste ideology among religious minorities in Indian context
- discuss the linkages between language, territoriality and kinship among the tribes of north-east India
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- critically examine the national policy on rehabilitation and resettlement substantiating it with experiences from different parts of India
- compare the salient features and distribution of middle Palaeolithic and upper Palaeolithic cultures in India. And add a note on tools traditions of upper Palaeolithic period.
- Write short note on the following in about 200 words each
- critically examine the book view and field view of social reality
- using examples, comment on how anthropology can be utilised in policy-making
- briefly comment on the linkages between (1) gender and customary law (2) gender and caste. (10 marks each)