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{Paper} Psychology UPSC Mains 2012

Written By tiwUPSC on Monday, October 22, 2012
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Psychology Paper - 1

1. Answer the following each in not more that 150 words:-(a) Elucidate the contributions of Sir Francis Galton in shaping psychology.
(b) Discuss the criteria of question-writing in a survey reasearch.
(c) Bring out the difference between 'sampling error' and 'error in sampling'. How 'sampling error' is reduced?
(d) Describe the role of epigenetic model in determining human behaviour.
(e) Discuss the 'pay-off matrix' in relation in relation to the single detection theory.
2. Answer the following, each in not more than 250 words.(a) Discuss the three basic conditions for using 't'-test of significance. Describe at least five different use of 't'-test with examples.
(b) Compare Sperling's experiment with that of Neisser's experiments in the study of sensory memory. What did these two experiments prove?
(c) With suitable examples, critically evaluate both primary and secondary reinforcements and bring out their role in establishing conditioning.
3. Answer the following, each in not more than 400 words:-(a) In which way IRT is an improvement over classical test theory ? Compare the two approaches and critically evaluate Rasch's model of IRT.
(b) Describe Broadbent's filter theory of attention. Why this elegant theory turned out to be inadequate? Comment upon the alternate approaches.
4. Answer the following, each in not more than 250 words:-(a) What is McCrary-Hunter 'invariance hypothesis' ? Discuss the shape and characteristics of serial position error curve in term of 'invariance hypothesis'.
(b) Evaluate 'duplicity theory' of vision Cite experimental evidences in support of this theory.
(c) Examine the impact of cultural factors on socialization process among children.
5. Answer the following, each in not more than 150 words:-(a) Discuss various dimensions of thought processes in relation to concept.
(b) Is facial expression of emotion innate to acquired ? Support your answer with suitable evidence.
(c) Discuss the modification of Chomsky's 'transformational generative grammar'.
(d) Compare LISREL programme with that of SPSS in the analysis of multivariate data.
(e) Evaluate various factors which influence intrinsic motivation.
6. Answer the following, each in not more than 250 words.(a) Compare 'multi-factor' theory of intelligence with that of theory of 'multiple intelligences'.
(b) Enumerate different stages of sleep. Discuss the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance.
(c) Enumerate various methods of problem solving. Critically evaluate their advantages and limitations also.
7. Answer the following, each in note more than 400 words:-
(a) What is the essence of a projective technique ? Critically evaluate perceptive, apperceptive and productive projective tests in the measurement of personality.
(b) Discuss A-B-C components of attitude. Describe the procedure of development of tool for measurement of attitude.
8. Answer the following, each in not more than 250 words:-(a) What is meant bu effective communication ? Evaluate various sources of effective communication.
(b) Critically evaluate the relationship between intelligence and creativity. Cite experimental evidences in support of your answer.
(c) How would you measure emotion if an individual ? Discuss the effect of emotion on behaviour.

Psychology Paper - 2

1. Answer the following each in about that 150 words each:-(a) What so you understand by personality disorders ? Distinguish between schizoid personality disorder and schizophrenia.
(b) Comment on the present practices related to educational guidance and counseling programmes in Indian schools and colleges. Highlight the problems in implementing and straightening these programs in Indian context.
(c) Critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of psychodynamic therapies in the treatment of mental context.
(d) Discuss how the major role of rehabilitation psychologist is primarily as a 'facilitator of adjustive behaviour' rather than as a 'symptom eradicator'.
(e) Discuss the merits of the role of small groups in social actions and community handling of social problems.
Question 2.(a) Explain the characteristics of standardized psychological tests. Discuss the major steps in development self-report personality inventory. Illustrate your answer with a suitable example.
(b) Discuss different learning disabilities and their educational and psychological consequences. Suggest relevant remedial measures in this context.
3. Answer the following in about 250 words each:-(a) Explain the assumptions underlying cognitive therapy. Critically comment on its utility in  the treatment of mental disorders.
(b) Identify the physical and psychosocial consequences of being a victim of violence. Explain the nature of counseling and rehabilitation services a psychologist can render to the victims of violence.
(c) Define the notion of environmental pollution. How would you explain the impact of scientific and technological innovation n environmental degradation form a psychological perspective ?
4. Answer the following in about 250 words each:-(a) Define 'learned helplessness'. Hoe can this concept be used to explain depressive disorders ?
(b) Explain the models of sensitivity training. Relate them to organizational development.
(c) Explain Vroom's expectancy theory of work motivation and link this theory with variable-pay programs.
5. Answer the following in about 150 words each:-(a) Can achievement motivation be included as a base of training for economic growth and development of a country ? Discuss the contribution of McClelland and his team in this context.
(b) Justify with examples how the insights derived from studies on 'intergroup contact hypothesis' would be useful in promoting harmonious relations among different castes and in maintaining social order.
(c) What are the causes of domestic violence ? How is 'belief in a just world' used to rationalize this violence ?
(d) Explain the concept of 'team-cohesiveness' in the context of sports. How can teamwork be improved through the application of sports psychology ?
(d) Discuss the components of gender-sensitivity training. Indicate its importance in the context of management of workforce diversity.
Question 6.(a) What are the psychological components of advertising and marketing ? identify and discuss the relevant ethical considerations.
(b) Explain the consequences of short-term and long-term exposure to noise. How does noise affect our social behaviour ? Cite the impact of crowding in this context.
7. Answer the following in about 250 words each:-(a) Explain the psychosocial consequences of being a part of socially disadvantaged groups especially with reference to self-concept, identity, motivation and achievement, Give example from Indian eontext.
(b) Distinguish between prejudice and discrimination, Explain the variables moderating the manifestation of prejudice into overt behaviour.
(c) What is glass-ceiling effect ? Explain the casual factors underlying it. What remedial steps can be taken by the employing organizations to minimize the glass-ceiling effects?
8. Answer the following in about 250 words each:-(a) Discuss critically the utility of IT and mass medial in the context of distance learning. Throw light on the strengths and limitations of distance learning.
(b) Explain the psychological factors and myths that demotivate people from following small family norms. Suggest relevant motivational strategies in this context.
(c) What is man-machine system in the context of human engineering ? Highlight the applications of human engineering in defence with reference to equipment design.

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