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{Paper} Sociology UPSC Mains 2012

Written By tiwUPSC on Monday, October 22, 2012
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Sociology Paper - 1

1. Write short notes in the following, keeping sociological perspective in view (Each short note on about 150 words):-(a) Interpretative Sociology
(b) Fact Value and Objectivity
(c) Universalism vs. Particilarism
(d) Comparative Method
Question 2. 
(a) How did the French revolution and Industrial revolution play an important role in the emergence of Sociology?
(b) Show how Durkheim through of totemism demonstrates the reality of religion.
Question 3.
(a) 'Power and authority go together.' Examine. Explain the various types of authority also.
(b) Examine how Weber's characterisation of capitalism is different from those of Marx.
(c) 'Social fact is to be treated as a thing.' Discuss.
5. Write short notes in the following, from a sociological perspective (Each short note on about 150 words):-(a) Stratification of Classes
(b) Industrial Democracy
(c) Citizenship and Civil Society
(d) Millenarian Movements
(e) Theory of Cultural Lag-Ogburn and Nimkoff.
Question 6.
(a) In our society Hierarchical relations are influenced by social mobility ? Discuss.
(b) In Marxian classification of Society, feudal and slave societies are very important. How are they different from each other?
(c) Are Social movement always influenced by ideologies? Discuss.
Question 7.
(a) Discuss the factors leading to growing religious revivalism in the contemporary world.
(b) Describe the important of lineage and descent in kinship and family.
(c) Show how family is distinct from household.
Question 8.
(a) How so formal and informal organisation of work influence labour's mobility ? Exaplain with examples.
(b) What do you understand by nation ? Is the nation same as the state ? Discuss.
(c) 'Revolutionary change have some specific characteristics.' Discuss with examples.

Sociology Paper - 2

1. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in not more than 150 words each:-(a) Limitations of the dialectical approach to the study on Indian society.
(b) Changing rural power structure.
(c) Challenges to institution of marriage.
(d) Westernization and institutional changes in India.
(e) Interaction of 'little tradition' and 'great iradition'.
Question 2. (a) Distinguish between the following:(i) Tribe and Caste
(ii) Affinal kin and Consanguineous kin.
(iii) Marriage as sacrament and marriage as contract.
(iv) Positional change and structural change.
(b) 'Indian society may be understood as a system of cognitive structures.' How far do you agree with this statement?
(c) Comment on the social and cultural determinants of sexual decision of labour.
Question 3.
(a) Examine the impact of secularization on various religious communities in India.
(b) Has geographic and economic mobility impacted the tribal culture and social structure ? Give examples.
Question 4.
(a) Has nuclear family existed in traditional India? Discuss with reference to the views of I. P. Desai.
(b) How have social reform movements in colonial India contributed to modernization of Indian society?
(c) Discuss the factors which contributed to industrial modernization in India. What are the salient features of new industrial class structure ?
5. Write short notes with a sociological perspective on the following in not more than 150 words each:-
(a) Demographic perspective of Indian youth.
(b) Regional political elites and the democratic process.
(c) Education and Dalit empowerment.
(d) Constitution as a living document of social change.
(e) Education and removal of inequality.
Question 6.
(a) Critically examine the concepts of nation and citizenship in the context of globalization.
(b) Discuss some social and cultural determinants of infant morality rate. Give your suggestions to prevent infanticide.
(c) Bring out some positive and negative social consequences of green revolution. How has green revolution changed the rural social structure?
Question 7.
(a) Describe those social changes which have contributed to increase of violence against women. What are the emerging forms of violence against women? Suggest suitable measures to contain this problem.
 What are the problems if ageing population? Describe the declining traditional social support system for the aged. Suggest alternative measures to support ageing population.
Question 8.
(a) Have the new economic policy and economic reform led to weakening of labour class movements? Explain your views with examples.
(b) Do you think that some policies and laws relating to environment have retarded the development process ? Give examples. How can an ideal balance between environmental protection and development goals be brought about?

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