{Article} Polity: Achievement of Youth Affairs & Sports Ministry in 2012

- Introduction: The
total youth population (10 to 35 years) as per 2011 census is 563 million with
about 70 percent living in the rural areas. The main focus of the Ministry is
on developing qualities of good citizenship and community service amongst the
youth and inculcating in them the spirit of volunteerism.
- National
Youth Policy, 2012: Recognizing that the National Youth Policy
2003 needs to be dynamic so as to cater to the ever changing scenario in the
country, a review was initiated. This Exposure Draft National Youth
Policy – 2012 envisages to put in place a comprehensive strategy to ensure the
fullest development and realization of the potential of the youth, in the
context of future socio-economic growth.
YUVA KENDRA SANGATHAN: The Ministry has been working towards inculcating in the
youth an enhanced sense of volunteerism, community service, personality
development and good citizenship. Nehru Yuva Kendras were established in the year
1972 with the objective of providing rural youth avenues to take part in the
process of nation building as well as providing opportunities for the
development of their personality and skills. In the year 1987-88, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) was converted into as an
autonomous organization under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and
Sports. NYKS is the largest grassroots level voluntary organization, one
of its kind in
the world. Highlights and Achievements of NYKS: [1.] Skill Up-gradation training programme for women; [2.] Silver Jubilee of NYKS and Quami Ekta Diwas on 19thNovember,
2012; [3.] Awareness and Education for the Prevention of Drug
Abuse & Alcoholism in the States of Punjab and Manipur; [4.] 70 Skill Up-gradation Training Programmes for Women
in the State J&K; [5.] Skill Development of Volunteers through Tata Motors.
SERVICE SCHEME (NSS): It aimed to provide youth an
opportunity to work with the people in the villages and slum dwellers. The
scheme seeks to achieve its objectives through twin approach i.e. “Campus to
Community” and “College to Village”. National Service Scheme was
launched during the birth centenary celebration of Mahatma Gandhi on 24th
September 1969 with 40,000 students. Today, NSS has more than 3.2. million student
volunteers on its roll spread over 299 Universities. In 1993-94, during
the Silver Jubilee year of NSS, the Indira Gandhi National Service Scheme
Awards (IGNSSA) were instituted to give recognition to
selfless service rendered by the NSS volunteers.
- A
new initiative “Youth to the Edge” was launched with the flagging off of
three batches for 3 adventure trails at Tinsukia on 28th February
2012. The adventure training of the batches commenced at Roing, Hayuliang and Dzuko Valley in Arunachal Pradesh and
Nagaland respectively.
- National
Programme for Youth Adolescent Development
(NPYAD): Under the Scheme financial assistance is provided to various
Government/Non Government Organization for youth development activities i.e.
(i) Promotion of National Integration (ii) Promotion of Adventure. (iii) Youth
Leadership and Personality Development Training; (iv) Development and
Empowerment of Adolescent and (v) Technical and Resource Development.
- 17th National
Youth Festival was organized at Mangalore, Karnataka,
during 12th to 16th January,
2012 to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of the Greatest Youth ICON of the
country Swami Vivekanand.
- The
Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth
Development [RGNIYD] was started in 1993 at Sriperumbudur (TN), the
place of his martyrdom. RGNIYD is an apex research and training
institute dedicated to Youth Development in the country. A Flagship Post
Graduate Programme in M A Youth Development with
specializations is proposed to be introduced in the next year. Rajiv Gandhi
National Institute of Youth Development has been declared as an Institute of
National Importance and, to this effect, the RGNIYD Act has been notified to
commence w.e.f. 19.11.2012.
COOPERATION (IC): Under this programme, Exchange of Youth
Delegations with friendly countries is taken up on reciprocal basis for
promoting exchange of ideas, values, culture amongst the Youth of different
countries. The following major Youth Exchanges were organized during the
current year: [1.] A 500-member Chinese
Youth Delegation visited India in February. The delegation was divided
in six groups and visited different parts of the country and interacted with
various youth Organizations; [2.] Under
the Indo-Korean Youth Exchange Programme, a 20 member Korean Youth Delegation
visited India in June; [3.] Indian
Youth Delegation visited Korea in August; [4.] Visit
of 20-member Indian Youth Delegation visited to Baku, Azerbaijan in June
to participate in the First International Youth Congress and Festival “Great
Silk Way”; [5.] Under the Indo- China
Youth Exchange Programme, a 100 member Indian Youth Delegation visited China
in July; [6.] Chinese Youth Delegation again
visited India in November; [7.] Under
the Indo-Bangladesh Youth Exchange Programme, a 100 member Bangladeshi Youth
Delegation visited India in October.
- Youth Hostels
are built to promote youth travel and to enable the young people experience the
rich cultural heritage of the country. The construction of the Youth hostels is a joint
venture of the Central and State Governments. So far 80 Youth Hostels
have been constructed across the country.