{Article} Polity: Achievements of Urban Development Ministry in 2012

- Introduction: Efficient and reliable urban transport systems are crucial for
India to sustain a high growth rate and alleviate poverty. To improve the
current urban transport situation the Government is giving much attention to
Metro projects. Mono rails and Regional Rapid Transit Systems are also being
explored to supplement the existing transport systems. The year also witnessed
the landmark decision of regularizing unauthorized colonies in Delhi and
Reviewing of Master Plan 2021. The reform linked scheme of urban infrastructure
development “Jawahar Lal Nehru
National Urban Rural Mission” also completed its normal tenure during the year
which, however, got 2 year extension for ongoing projects.
- Mass Rapid Transit System: Metro
projects are already under implementation across the country - Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jaipur and Kochi.
- Mono Rails: Another mode
of Mass Transport System that is being explored is Mono-rail. Mono rail is ideal as a feeder system to larger
metro networks as well as for stand-alone shorter networks in the densely
populated pockets of cities. One Mono-rail corridor has already been identified
in Delhi and work has been entrusted to DMRC.
- Regional Rapid Transit System: RRTS will be a
rail based system that will connect small but fast developing towns in the NCR
region. The goal of RRTS is to reduce the dependence of commuters on road based
transportation to a combination of road-cum rail transportation system. The work for preparation of
Feasibility Studies of Regional Rapid Transit System (RRTS) corridors for the
three prioritized corridors have been
awarded to consultants. They are as follows: Delhi – Sonipat –Panipat, Delhi-Gurgaon -Rewari –Alwar, Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut.
- Regularization of unauthorized colonies: The
Union Urban Development Ministry cleared the decks for the Delhi Government to
regularize 917 unauthorized colonies during the year. Around 40 lakh residents
in these colonies are likely to benefit from the regularization which would
entail government spending on civic infrastructure. The Delhi government had completed all
the ground work for regularization of the colonies.
- Review of Master Plan 2021: Four technical committees engaged in reviewing
four broad areas of the Master Plan. The group deliberating on urban
form, heritage and development controls said, interalia, that the plan should be based on 3D mapping done in a
time-bound manner involving professionals like architects. The group on
shelter focused on redevelopment of existing buildings and colonies especially
in unauthorized colonies and jhuggi-jhonpri clusters.
The group on transport with focus on improved mobility said the Transit-Oriented
Development (TOD) plans
should be area-specific. It also called for comprehensive multimodal planning
and that road safety audits need to be done. The group on environment
and physical infrastructure called for a comprehensive environmental plan for
Delhi to be prepared including aspects like seismic zones, biodiversity and
climate change.
- JNNURM: JNNURM was launched on
3rd December, 2005 with the objective of reforms driven and fast track
development of cities across the country, with focus on bringing about
efficiency in urban infrastructure, service delivery mechanisms, community
participation and accountability of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and Parastatal agencies
towards citizens. It has two components, namely, the Urban Infrastructure and
Governance (UIG) and the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and
Medium Towns (UIDSSMT). 65 Cities based on population as per 2001 census
are covered under the UIG component of JNNURM. The Mission has completed
its normal tenure in March 2012. Extension of two years has been given for
completion of ongoing projects & reforms only till March 2014.
- National Urban Transport Project (NUTP): The Ministry of Urban Development has initiated the Sustainable
Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with the support of Global Environment Facility
(GEF), the World Bank and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to foster a
long-term partnership between the Central Government and state/local
governments in the implementation of a greener environment under the ambit of
the National Urban Transport Project (NUTP). During
the year the Intelligent Transport System Project being implemented atMysore, the cultural capital of Karnataka, took a massive stride. It aims to address the critical issue
of road congestion by offering state-of-the-art technologies and attractive,
convenient, comfortable, value added services to encourage the usage of bus
services against individual personal vehicles. It also helps in saving time,
effort and money that will eventually help create a better city to live in and
be proud of.