Job: Artificer Apprentice 2013 Recruitment Notification for
Indian Navy’s 134th batch.
Details: An artificer is a skilled technical person in the armed
forces – this is a catch-them-young program by Indian Navy - it inducts those
Class-XII pass students who have 55%+aggregate (with Maths & Physics) for 9
weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by 8 weeks sea training. Thereafter,
Artificer Apprentice are imparted training for 4-years in technical training
establishments. On completion of Artificer Apprentice in Indian Navy as a
sailor, they have qualification equivalent to Diploma in
Electrical/Mechanical/Aeronautical Engineering which is recognized by the Govt
of India. Post training, Artificer Apprentice are enrolled in Indian Navy for
20 years - which is extendable till 57 yrs of age. Promotion prospects exist up
to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer-I and even up to the commissioned
officer for those who perform well and qualify the prescribed examinations.
Age Eligibility: Minimum
17 - 20 years on the date of enrollment (DOB should be in between 1st
August 1993 to 31st July 1996)
Qualification Eligibility: Min.
55% aggregate in Class-XII, with Maths & Physics and at least one of the
three subjects; Chemistry/Biology/Computer Science.
Selection process: The
selection process consists of a Written Test followed by Physical Fitness Test
(PFT) and fitness in the Medical Standard Examinations.
Last date: Last date for registration of online application is
31 Dec 2012.