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Daily News Notes
- · The Prime Minister asserted that creation of a Lokpal alone will not solve the problem of corruption and it needs to be supported by improvements in the pace and quality of Judicial processes. He added speedy trials and timely judgements will do a greal deal to discourage corruption and dispel the notion that those who break the law can get away scot free.
- · Meanwhile, Anna Hazare continues his fast on the seventh day today pressing for a strong Lokpal. He was medically examined this morning and found fit but has lost five Kgs of weight. Hazare has made it clear that the group is open to talks.
- · In Uttar Pradesh, at least 46 pilgrims were killed this morning when a tractor trolley carrying them overturned in a waterlogged ditch in Nagra area of Ballia district.
- · The Goa Disaster Management Authority (DMA) has ordered the temporary shutdown of a multi-product pipeline from the Mormugao Port Trust to a fertiliser manufacturing plant in the port town of Vasco following a fire outbreak on Friday.
- · The festival of Janmashtami is being celebrated with full religious fervor and gaiety across the country today. Several lakhs of devotees from India and abroad have arrived in Mathura to witness the birth day celebrations of Lord Krishna. The President, the Vice President and the Prime Minister have greeted the people on the occasion of Janmashtami.
- · Libyan rebels has swept into the capital Tripoli to rapturous welcome. Thousands of Tripoli residents celebrated as opposition fighters entered the symbolic square that they have renamed Martyrs Square, where jubilant Libyans tore down posters of Mr. Gadhafi. A rebel spokesman said insurgents sent a group of fighters into the capital by sea from the port of Misrata.
- · North Korea announced today that it has seized all South Korean assets at a jointly run resort and ordered all South Koreans to leave. The statement said the South had given up all rights on properties owned by South Korean companies because Seoul missed a Friday deadline to resolve a dispute over the property.
- · Lorry drivers in Australia have been protesting against the government plans to introduce a carbon tax on the country's worst polluters. The Labour Prime Minister says the tax is the start of what he called a clean energy revolution.
- · In Punjab,Lt. Navdeep Singh of 15 MARATHA Light Infantry, who sacrificed his life for the motherland, was cremated with full military honours at his native place Gurdaspur this morning. Twenty four year old Lt. Navdeep sacrificed his life fighting militants in Gurez sector in Jammu and Kashmir
- · President Barack Obama says, the United States is not facing another recession but is in the danger of not having a recovery that is fast enough to deal with a genuine unemployment crisis. Reflecting on the recent Wall Street crash, Mr.Obama argued that outside factors like the European debt crisis and Japan's tsunami had hit economic growth.
- · Tibet has preserved more than 50,000 pages of ancient palm-leaf manus Palm-leaf manus, which originated in India, refer to the Sanskrit classics, including Buddhist ures, ancient Indian literature and codes, inscribed on the leaves of palm trees.