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Sci&Tech, Medical and Envirnoment

Written By Administrator on Monday, August 22, 2011
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In India, civil and political movements warm to social media

  • Today, India has one of the fastest growing communities on Facebook globally, with more than 29 million registered accounts.

 X-Ray microscope that enables nano-vision developed

  • Forget X-ray glasses. Now, a new microscope has been developed by scientists which they say can penetrate deep within materials and see details as small as a billionth of a meter without even using a lens.
  • Unlike Superman’s X-ray vision, which allows him to look through walls to see the bad guys beyond, the new technology could be used to look at different elements inside a material, or to image viruses, cells and tissue in great detail

T-50 aborts second test flight due to glitches

  • The Indo-Russian Sukhoi T-50 stealth fighter faced a major technical problem on Sunday and had to abort its second test flight at an air show here, causing a temporary setback to the fifth generation combat jet project.

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