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Sci&Tech, Medical and Envirnoment

Written By Administrator on Thursday, October 13, 2011
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Exercise beneficial in preventing migraine

  • Although exercise is often prescribed as a treatment for migraine, there has not been sufficient evidence that it really works.
  • Now, new research shows that exercise is just as good as drugs at preventing migraines.

Baltic Sea emits more CO {-2} than it can bind

  • The Baltic Sea emits more carbon dioxide than it can bind. Local variations have increased the exposure of the Bay of Bothnia
  • These are the results of a study of how CO {-2} flows between the Baltic Sea water and the atmosphere.

 World's biggest virus found

  • A virus found in the sea off Chile is the biggest in the world, harbouring more than 1,000 genes
  • The genome of Megavirus chilensis is 6.5 percent bigger than the DNA code of the previous virus record-holder, Mimivirus, isolated in 2003
  • Viruses differ from bacteria in that they are usually far smaller and cannot reproduce on their own, needing to penetrate a host cell in which to replicate.

 Graphene spurs next generation chips

  • Graphene, the world's thinnest and toughest material, could spur the development of next generation computer chips, besides revolutionising materials science.
  • Its amazing properties open the way to bendable touch screen phones and computers, lighter aircraft, paper thin HD TV sets and lightning-quick net connections, and more.
  • Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov, both professors at the University of Manchester, discovered graphene, demonstrating its remarkable properties in 2004, which won them the Nobel Prize for Physics.

 Induced pluripotent stem cells cure liver cirrhosis

  • Treating human diseases using adult cells taken from a patient and genetically reprogramming them so that they behave like embryonic stem cells has come a step closer.
  • scientists report the sequence of events for successfully correcting a gene mutation responsible for both cirrhotic liver disease and lung emphysema.
  • They first took adult skin cells and corrected the gene mutation. Having done that, they next reprogrammed the adult cells to make them behave like induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs).
  • After completing the genetic correction in the cell line, the researchers introduced the iPSCs into a mouse. The mouse had a mutation that resembled the condition seen in humans.

 Sunshine vitamin

  • How does exposure to sun help to produce Vitamin-D in humans?
  • Vitamin D, a fat soluble vitamin resembles sterols in structure and functions like a hormone. Ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol, both sterols are the precursor substances for the synthesis of vitamin D and are referred to as provitamins.
  • Ergocalciferol is the provitamin found in plants and cholecalciferol is the provitamin present in animals.
  • In man the provitamin cholecalciferol (also called calciol) is synthesized from 7-dehyrocholesterol
  • The conversion of 7- dehyrocholesterol into provitamin cholecalciferol takes place in the skin (dermis and epidermis) on exposure to sunlight

 A new Indian OS on cloud

  • A system crash one year ago forced Deepak John, a second-year engineering student, to devise a portable operating system on cloud, which can solve many problems of travelling professionals, who seek access to secure computers.
  • The MICROS (Mobile In-Curred Revolutionised Operating System), which has won laurels in nationwide tech fests, boots from a pen drive, to the RAM which then dynamically expands.
  • He calls it a live OS that does not require installation but allows you to access the files stored in the system and perform various file management functions.
  • Multitasking is enabled by the Windows Pre-installation Environment (PE). Open Office is integrated into the system.
  • once the system is shut down, the contents in the RAM get permanently deleted. “This ensures that the browsing history, cookies, and various other temporary files that contain vital information regarding your privacy details are deleted. Though the settings stored by various applications will also be erased

 Microsoft launches Windows Phone

  • The Windows Phone 7.5 version, which is also known as Mango
  • while smooth transitional user interface called ‘Metro' is a visually appealing modern design language based on a set of principles which are modern, clean, alive in motion, and authentically digital.
  • Microsoft India Chairman Bhaskar Pramanik

Agriculture department to adopt 84 villages for promoting SRI method

  • The Agriculture Department would adopt 84 villages in the district to promote the system of rice intensification (SRI) technique in paddy cultivation during the samba and thaladi seasons this year
  • 412 tonnes of certified seeds of improved white ponni, Co.43, BPT 5204, ADT.39, ASD.19 and TRY-1 have been distributed through Block Agricultural Extension Centres.

Monkey study leads to vaccine for trachoma

  • An attenuated, or weakened, strain of Chlamydia trachomatis  bacteria can be used as a vaccine to prevent or reduce the severity of trachoma, a cause of blindness, suggests a study on monkeys.

Liquid turns solid under high electric field

  • Under the influence of sufficiently high electric fields, liquid droplets of certain materials will undergo solidification, simulations show.

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