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SCIENCENVIRO (Opinion): Indian Farmers

Written By tiwUPSC on Friday, December 23, 2011
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Authorities must experience problems to solve them

  • There is a lot of difference between seeing and experiencing. “Unless one experiences a headache he will never know how it feels. Mere words or a visual can never convey it,”
  • In Israel or Cuba, farmers in possession of even two acres live in luxury. But in India a 10 acre farmer wallows in poverty. Why?
  • Sticking to common crops such as cotton and soybean, aggravated by chemical fertilizers, paves the way for farmers' suicide. Chemical fertilizer gives you a high yield, but is not a solution. Production gradually tapers off and a stage is reached when it is abysmal
  • “Authorities are unaware of real problems of farmers. Ground realities are different. The Prime Minister's relief package to farmers or similar big schemes cannot solve our problem. Imposing some scheme without going to the root cause of problems does not fulfil the goal of development,” he says.
  • Foreign educated officials speak on ways to end farmers' debts, cause of production problems, and strategies to overcome them. “In reality many of them do not interact with us to know things personally. They simply read some books, journals, and talk. But the real issue is far from what these people think or say,
  • An Agriculture minister who has never been hungry in his lifetime speaks about ending poverty.
  • Does the Union Agriculture minister or at least the State minister know a farmer's mental condition when he silently bears the taunts and abuses thrown at him and his family by private moneylenders for a delay in repayment of interest for the loan taken?
  • At the most, they come for some ribbon cutting function, pose for photos and leave immediately in AC cars surrounded by their coterie of people.
  • In India after 67 years of independence, today, can a small farmer contact the Agriculture Minister to voice his grievance? “Even Vice Chancellors of some Universities are far removed from the ground reality.
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